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Collection by Heather TailorThe Porcelain Artists of WA (formerly WA Guild of China Painters) celebrated their 60th Anniversary of foundation at a special opening night and exhibition from 3rd to 5th May, 2024. The exhibition, held at the the Palms Community Centre in Subiaco, had an evening opening on Friday 3rd May which was attended by many members, families and friends.


The Exhibition theme was 'Imaginality' with members submitting collections of up to seven pieces to interpret the theme. Several hundred pieces of unique, hand painted porcelain, both traditional and contemporary designs of a high standard were on display.


pieces by Irena KopecThere was a sales area featuring pieces painted between 1964 and 2024 and a selection from PAWA's own porcelain collection, 'The Collectables' was on show. The Collectables featured pieces painted by WA artists and included several pieces dedicated to past anniversaries.


Many visitors took advantage of the beautiful autumn weather to visit the exhibition and many complimentary comments about the standard of work were received. Congratulations to President, Heather Tailor and the hard working Committee of PAWA for an inspiring event.

Link to special exhibition page


For further information about the Porcelain Artists of WA visit their Facebook page.


shown above left: 'Note to Klimt' collection by Heather Tailor

at right - Vases painted by Irena Kopec


- 10th, 11th & 12th September, 2024Frangipanni Plate


Following two very successful workshops earlier in the year with South Australian artist Trixie Emery and Busselton artist Dee Credaro, the Albany Porcelain Art Group will hold the last of their three-day workshops for the year in September, with Perth artist Anne Blake.

To be be held on 10th, 11th & 12th September at the Albany Veteran Car Club, just outside of Albany, the subject of the workshop is 'Designing for a Divided Background'.


Class outline: By using a full length design feature to divide the plate or tile, the background is effectively split into two sections. The background sections will then be treated separately using contrasting finishes, one of which will be a 'brocade' finish.


For more information or to book please contact Barbara from the Albany Porcelain Art Group on 08 9844 4882.


Frangipanni Plate by Anne Blake



APAT convention logo


The Australasian Porcelain Art Teachers national exhibition and convention, which in 2024 is being hosted by APAT NSW, will be held from 23rd to 26th October 2024 in Cronulla, NSW at the Rydges Cronulla Beachside Hotel. The much anticipated event promises to provide an exciting and refreshing programme of lectures, displays and workshops!


APAT NSW have launched a website exclusively dedicated to the 2024 Australasian Porcelain Art Convention. The website is easy to navigate with details of mini-workshops, demonstrations and other events plus booking details. The link is:

The programme of events including a list of teachers and their mini workshops is available from the website. listed above. The following is a list of participating artists and their subjects:Spider Orchids by Anne Blake


Clotilde Ruegg-Ruffieux
- Belfaux, Switzerland

Sandra Bernaitis - Gold Coast, Queensland



Anne Blake - Black on White/White on Black
Sandra Brown - Leaves, fun with Lustres and Textures

Dee Credaro - Heron Feathers

Barbara Cronin - Design and Colour with Wildflowers

Jan Gowen -- Fruitful Imari

Grace Hye Won Lee - Colourful Shadows

Erica Harrison - Fun with Flooding, Flannel Flowers or Tulips

Faye Suffolk - Lioness

Eriko Watanabe - Gold Leaf and also One Fire Blue Rose and Marble Pattern


I will be teaching a workshop on Thursday morning 24th October, the subject is 'Black on White / White on Black'. The workshop will explore designs that can be achieved using various monochrome paints and texture products with designs embellished with both black and white relief. For further details please visit APAT's website or contact me.


shown above Black and White Spider Orchid plate by Anne Blake

APAT WA WORKSHOP with CONNIE RISBEYumbrella painted by Connie Risbey


The Australasian Porcelain Art Teachers Association of WA held a three-day workshop in February 2023 with talented Perth artist Connie Risbey. Titled "The Bling Workshop" various ways of decorating jewellery and small porcelain pieces were explored. Some of the techniques covered included application of lustres, tube lining for raised effect, use of decal sheets as well as general painting and relief work.

Class group photo


Despite the hot summer weather, students enjoyed a very industrious three days with many different techniques and combinations to try.


Thanks to Connie for sharing her considerable knowledge which inspired all those present and congratulations to APAT for a very enjoyable and well run workshop.



Shown above - a group photo of the students with a display of some of their in-progress work and decorated umbrella with relief work by Connie Risbey



The Trinity School for Seniors is a wonderful resource for people over the age of 60. The school motto is 'Companionship Through Learning' and they provide over 70 different courses across four terms per annum. Among the classes offered is a porcelain painting art class, which I have had the pleasure to teach in term three 2023. Classes are held in central locations in Perth making it easy to access for commuters.


For more information about term dates, classes available, cost etc. call in to the Trinity School for Seniors' central office at Level 1, 97 William Street, PERTH or visit their website at


Bush Hut plate hand painted by Anne Blake finished with metallic paintsThe Albany Porcelain Art Workshop group held their 2023 workshop in Albany in March. The Workshop took place over three days and was held at the Veteran Car Club's premises on the outskirts of Albany.


Two classes ran concurrently with the teachers and their subjects shown below.  

Anne Blake - Aussie Bush Huts - monochrome design featuring penwork and techniques.
The hut design was penned onto the porcelain and fired. Students then chose between a traditional pen and wash technique; metallic speckled dry-dusting or a lustre background to finish their piece and to give different effects.

Dee Credaro - Marsupial Animals – Kangaroos, Quokkas or student's choice.

Bush Hut painted by Anne BlakeThe class selected from a variety of marsupial and other fury Australian animals. Possums, kangaroos and Numbats were just some of the subjects chosen. They were painted in a traditional fashion and finished with a variety of colourful and textured backgrounds.


link to more in depth article


Congratulations to Brenda Caellli, President and all the Committee of the Albany Porcelain Art Workshop for a well organised, successful and very enjoyable event.


Shown above Aussie Bush Hut plate by Anne Blake - penwork with lustre backgrounding.


PORCELAIN FROM THE POWERHOUSE MUSEUM, SYDNEYCauliflower teapot and caddy by Wedgwood

On a recent visit to Sydney I had the great pleasure to visit the Powerhouse Museum in Ultimo. This museum is a major branch of the Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences in Sydney and occupies a beautiful old building - a converted electric tram power station hence its name.


link to article and more photographsThe museum houses a wonderful and eclectic mix of exhibits and stand alone exhibitions. In addition to the science and industrial exhibits, there are many exhibits representing the decorative arts including porcelain.


Shown above is a wonderful Cauliflower teapot and tea-caddy set produced by Josiah Wedgwood around 1760. It was manufactured in his Burslem factory in Staffordshire, England from creamware.


PORCELAIN ART FROM THE GALLERIES & MUSEUMS OF LONDONSevres Inkstand on display at the Wallace Collection London

This article concludes a series featuring some of the fascinating porcelain and glass exhibits I had the great pleasure to see during a visit to the UK last year.  To view the complete series including the Sèvres Inkstand, with photos and information about some of the London museums visited, follow the link below.Sevre3s Flower Vase c. 1755-6

link to article page


On display at The Wallace Collection in London was this Turquoise-blue grounded, Sèvres Flower vase. The vase, painted in 1755-6, is part of a very large collection of Sèvres porcelain on display at The Wallace.


Painted with two cherubs and 'engraved' with flowers and fruit, the vase's background is finished with an eye-catching turquoise-blue grounding. Note how areas of white have been left in the grounded colour at each end of the vase to create the effect of open handles rising to the scrolling on the top edge. The vase forms part of a set of several pieces featuring this design.


The Wallace Collection Museum offers free entry to the public and is located at Hertford House, Manchester Square in London.  The extensive collection houses art in many forms, painting, sculpture, porcelain, glass, furniture, clocks, armour, early weaponry and much more.  For more information visit their website at


shown above: Sèvres Flower Vase c.1755-6


The West Australian Guild of China Painters (now known as the Porcelain Artists of Western Australia Inc) celebrated its golden jubilee year in 2014.  To mark this very special occasion Kaye MacLean and I wrote a history of china painting in Western Australia and more specifically the foundation and history of the WA Guild through to 2014.

Hon Richard Court AC


The finished book, which took several years to research and write, was launched by the Hon Richard Court AC at a special reunion function for past and present Guild members and special guests held on the 2nd May, 2014 at Guildford.

image shown: former State Premier, Hon Richard Court AC at the launch of "Golden Reflections- A Celebration of 50 Years" on 2nd May, 2014 at the Guildford Town Hall.

Download book order form (pdf reader required).

Copies of the book are still available for purchase. For more information contact me or the Porcelain Artists of Western Australia Inc.


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