Anne BlakeMy interest in art has existed for as long as I can recall but my introduction to porcelain painting came in the early 1990s. I have been an enthusiastic china painter since then.


The opportunity to both live and travel in remote outback regions of northern Australia has influenced my work and given me a great appreciation of Australian flora and fauna. Many years spent as an enthusiastic scuba diver also provided me with a wonderful opportunity to experience and explore the marine environment off the West Australian coast. I enjoy incorporating local reef scenes and fish into my designs.


Exhibiting mainly in Western Australia, I have been the recipient of several trophies and awards from the Perth Royal Show, the Porcelain Artists of Western Australia and local agricultural shows. I am a past president and life member of the Porcelain Artists of WA (formerly the WA Guild of China Painters) and member of the Australasian Porcelain Art Teachers Association (WA Region). I regularly participate in china painting events, teach at workshops and judge at local shows.


In 2014, together with Kaye MacLean, I co-authored and published the book 'Golden Reflections - A Celebration of 50 Years'. The book traces the origins of china painting in Western Australia and follows the WA Guild of China Painters from its inception in 1964 to 2014. The book was launched as part of the 2014 Golden Anniversary celebrations of the Guild - read more.


Upcoming events include:

October 2024 - I will be exhibiting and presenting a mini workshop at the Australasian Porcelain Art Teachers' National Convention in Cronulla NSW - more information.



September 2024 - Albany Porcelain Art Workshop

Tutor at the 3-day workshop held in Albany W.A. - subject 'Designing for a Divided Background'. read article....


May 2024 - Exhibited at the Porcelain Artists of WA's 60th Anniversary Exhibition held at the Pines in Subiaco. read more..


February 2024 - APAT WA meeting - Demonstration and talk on the history and use of of Ivory Vellum paint.


August/September 2023 - Trinity School for Seniors. Teaching Porcelain Art Class, Term 3. For more information about the Trinity School for Seniors (Perth City) visit their website


Sturt Desert Pea, miniature lidded box by Anne Blake

sturt pea box by Anne Blake
