10th to 12th September, 2024

Frangipanni plate painted by Anne Blake


The Albany Regional Porcelain Art Group held its final workshop for the year in September. Albany in Western Australia, is a city situated on the south coast of the State and boasts the very beautiful Princess Royal Harbour.


The three day workshop was held at the clubrooms of the local Veteran Car Club on the outskirts of Albany.


The Albany Porcelain Art Workshop group is a dedicated group who have been providing china painting workshops for over 30 years and this year was the tenth workshop in its present format. Participating students travel to Albany from many adjacent rural areas as well as Perth.

Shown above : Hand painted plate by Anne Blake with a central design feature of Frangipannies; finished with purple grounding and a 'brocade' finish.



Designing for a Divided Background

Students began by designing a full length feature to divide their plate or tile. Studies of both gum leaves and a spray of frangipanni flowers were used, but other possible subjects were discussed.


Anne, Barbara and BrendaOnce the design was applied, the background was effectively split into two sections. These sections were then treated separately using a contrasting complementary dark colour and also a light coloured 'brocade' textured finish.


Many techniques were used including dry dusting, cross-hatching, lustre application, metallic paint and dribbling.


Shown: from L to R: Anne with Albany Camp committee members Barbara and Brenda.



China painters travelled from many regional centres of Western Australia to join with Albany painters for the workshop. The great friendship and camaraderie that exists between painters is wonderful to experience and of course many old friendships were rekindled. The workshop was an opportunity to paint, learn and most of all enjoy!


Congratulations to Brenda Caellli, President and the Committee, Barbara and Ruth, of the Albany Porcelain Art Workshop for a well organised, successful and happy event.


"Great friendship and camaraderie exists between painters at the workshop and many old friendships are rekindled..."


Shown below: Class Students: Julie, Lynne, Barbara, Brenda and Diane.

students from the class


gum leaf plate by Anne Blake

Shown above: Gum Leaf spray plate painted by Anne Blake.

Shown below left Brenda hard at work, right Ruth taking a well-earned break.

Brenda hard at work painting and Ruth taking a break


shown below student's work (partially finished) from the Designing for a Divided Background workshop with Anne Blake.

clockwise from top left: Diane, Brenda, Barbara, Lynne, Julie and Ruth.

student's work unfinished



All photographs are © A Blake 2024 unless otherwise stated



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